
发布时间:2019-09-23 17:35


  摘要 5-6
  第一章绪论 10-19
  1.1研究背景 10-13
  1.2目的及意义 13
  1.3国内外研究进展 13-17
  1.3.1水污染防治法规研究进展 13-15
  1.3.2渭河干流陕西段水污染防治法规实施概况 15-16
  1.3.3渭河干流陕西段水污染问题研究进展 16-17
  1.4研究内容与方法 17-19
  1.4.1研究内容 17-18
  1.4.2研究方法 18
  1.4.3技术路线 18-19
  第二章研究区概况 19-26
  2.1研究区范围 19-20
  2.2渭河自然概况 20-21
  2.2.1地形地貌 20
  2.2.2河流水系 20
  2.2.3水文气象 20-21
  2.3社会经济概况 21-22
  2.3.1人口及分布 21
  2.3.2经济及工农业发展 21-22
  2.4渭河干流地区水资源保护和水污染治理措施 22-25
  2.4.1污水处理措施 22
  2.4.2工业产业结构调整措施 22-23
  2.4.3农业治理措施 23-24
  2.4.4饮用水保护措施 24-25
  2.5小结 25-26
  第三章渭河水污染时空变化过程分析 26-40
  3.1渭河水环境现状 26-30
  3.1.1径流变化 26-27
  3.1.2渭河流域水环境功能区划 27-28
  3.1.3渭河干流水质现状 28-30
  3.2渭河水质水量演变评价 30-32
  3.3渭河水污染变化趋势 32-39
  3.3.1演变历程划分及断面选择 32-33
  3.3.2《水污染防治法》最新修订前渭河干流陕西段水质的年际变化过程 33-34
  3.3.3《水污染防治法》最新修订前后渭河干流陕西段水质的年际变化过程 34-36
  3.3.4渭河干流陕西段水质的空间变化过程 36-39
  3.4小结 39-40
  第四章水污染防治法实施效果评价 40-46
  4.11984年版《水污染防治法》实施成效 40-41
  4.21996年修订《水污染防治法》实施成效 41-42
  4.32008年修订《水污染防治法》实施成效分析 42-43
  4.4问题与挑战 43-45
  4.4.1水污染防治法律制度的不足 43-45
  4.4.2陕西省渭河流域水污染防治体系的不足 45
  4.5小结 45-46
  第五章对策与建议 46-50
  5.1完善水污染防治法律制度的建议 46-48
  5.1.1建立健全流域水污染防治法律体系 46-47
  5.1.2增强处罚力度完善执法手段 47
  5.1.3建立健全公众参与制度 47
  5.1.4完善和推广排污许可证制度和排污权交易 47-48
  5.1.5在立法中加强农村水污染防治的内容 48
  5.2渭河流域水污染治理制度建设的建议 48-50
  第六章结论 50-51
  参考文献 51-53
  致谢 53-54
  作者简介 54

【摘要】 水是人类赖以生存和发展的最重要的资源之一,然而随着人口的增长和经济的发展,水资源紧缺和水污染已经成了全世界需要共同面对的问题,特别是水污染问题,已经严重威胁到了人类的健康和生存。我国近年来由于经济的快速发展及水资源的短缺,致水污染问题日益严重,已经成为制约发展的主要因素之一。进入21世纪以来,我国水污染事故频频发生。据调查统计,从2001年到2004年,全国共发生水污染事故3988起,平均每年近1000起。人们意识到,水污染问题已经到了不得不下大力气防治的时候了。要解决水污染问题先要立法,我国早期订立的水污染防治法已经明显无法满足现阶段水污染治理的需求。因此,2008年我国审议通过了最新修订的水污染防治法。新法强化了地方政府对控制水污染的责任,明确了超标排污即违法的原则,加强了重点水污染物排放总量控制制度,全面推行排污许可证制度,完善了水环境监测网络及建立水环境信息统一发布制度,对饮用水水源保护区管理制度、城镇污水防治、农业和农村水污染防治、水污染事故应急处置、加大违法排污行为处罚力度等方面做出了重大改进。本文以渭河干流陕西段为研究对象,通过对渭河水质监测、分析与评价,研究渭河干流水质变化趋势。从《水污染防治法》的实施情况出发,深入了解渭河的水污染防治机制。结合渭河治理进程,分析《水污染防治法》实施的意义,找出实施措施与实际污染水平改善数据之间的对应联系。此外,针对渭河水污染治理中遇到的实际问题,通过深入调研,总结《水污染防治法》在实施中遇到的问题和挑战。就《水污染防治法》本身存在的不足及实际执法监督过程中的问题进行探究,提出合理的改进意见和建议。通过研究发现:渭河干流陕西段生态水常年缺乏,水污染情况严重,13个断面有9个断面水质为劣Ⅴ类,污染最严重年份为2003年。高锰酸盐指数、化学需氧量和氨氮三项指标在2006年后呈下降趋势,综合污染指数有明显改善。渭河水污染防治工作在水质改善、污水处理率、限建限排、农村面源污染治理以及饮用水水源地保护等方面取得了一定的成效。但水质改善总体幅度不大,出陕断面水质类别无明显变化。结果表明:水污染防治法实施时间尚短,各项配套政策法规正在逐步健全,对水污染治理的作用尚不显著,还需要经过更长时间的检验。针对水污染防治法实施中发现的问题,提出几点建议:在立法中加强农村水污染防治的内容,在执法中加强可执行性,进一步提高违法成本,建立公益诉讼制度。

【Abstract】 Water is one of essential resource of human life. According to the development of economy and the increase of population, water shortage and pollution had become global issues. Especially water pollution has become more and more seriously, which risk health and life of human. The problem of the pollution of water resources was so increasingly serious that become a constraint factor of sustainable development, which attributing to quick economic development and lack of water resource. Since the 21st century, water pollution incidents occurred frequently in China. According to the survey, there were 3988 water pollution incidents happened from 2001 to 2004, nearly 1000 incidents per year. People recognized that it’s time to prevent the water pollution. China has enacted a number of Water Pollution Control Act to protect the water resource, but which can’t meet the present need of water pollution. Legislating was the principal thing to resolve the problem of water pollution. Therefore, Chinese government reviewed and approved the last updated Water Pollution Control Act in the new one intensified the responsibility of local government to control water pollution, defined the excessive discharge of waste that is the principle of law, strengthened the system of key water pollutant emission control and implementation of the permit system. Furth more, the new one improved the water environment monitoring network and the establishment of a unified environmental information system for releasing water. The act has made significant improvements in drinking water source protection area management system, prevention and treatment of urban sewage, agriculture and rural water pollution control, emergency water pollution accidents and increase penalties for illegal sewage.This paper take Shaanxi section of Weihe River as an example, aiming to detect the trend of water quality change through the water quality monitoring, analysis and evaluation. First of all, this study based on the implementation of the act, try to understand the water pollution control mechanism of Weihe River and find out the relationships between implementing measures and the improve data of actual pollution level. In addition, summarizing the problems and challenges when implementing the new act. Furth more, some reasonable suggests and recommendations about how to decrease the shortcoming in the actual enforcement supervision process of Water Pollution Control Act were made.The main results were as follows: Firstly, Shaanxi section of Weihe River perennial has been lacking of ecological water, the water pollution was Serious, 9 in 13 sections water quality was inferior toⅤgrade. The most seriously polluted year is 2003. There was a declining trend among the permanganate, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and ammonia nitrogen after 2006; there was also a downward trend in comprehensive pollution index. Secondly, Water Pollution Control in Weihe River has achieved some results in many aspects, such as water quality improvement, swaging treatment rate, limiting construction and pollution discharge, management of point source pollution in rural areas and taking care of drinking water sources. But the improvement of water quality was not significant, the water quality level has no obvious change in the last sections in Shaanxi. The results show that it was a very short period to implement the Water Pollution Control Act, and at the same time many necessary policies and regulations were establishing gradually, the role of controlling water pollution isn’t significant, so we still need more time to verify the effect.On the basis of the problems we have found in the implementation of the Water Pollution Control Act, some suggestions should be made to improve the effect. We should increase the legislation content of water pollution prevention in countryside, strengthens the perform ability in law enforcement, further to enhances the illegal cost, establishment public welfare lawsuit system.

【关键词】 渭河干流; 水质变化趋势; 水污染防治法;
【Key words】 Weihe River; Water quality trend; Water Pollution Control Act;



