
发布时间:2019-09-23 17:35

  摘要 4-5
  Abstract 5-6
  引言 7-9
  一、我国亲告罪立法内涵 9-15
  (一)亲告罪的概念及特征 9-12
  (二)亲告罪的立法体现 12-13
  (三)社会主义制度下的亲告罪价值 13-15
  二、我国亲告罪在实践中存在的问题 15-22
  (一)亲告罪刑事损害赔偿规定不合理 15-16
  (二)亲告罪自首认定困难 16
  (三)亲告罪程序启动存在弊端 16-20
  (四)未规定诉讼时效 20-22
  三、造成亲告罪实践困境的原因 22-27
  (一)刑事立法不完善 22-23
  (二)司法人员素质参差不齐 23-25
  (三)社会关注度不高 25-27
  四、我国亲告罪的完善途径 27-40
  (一)扩大损害赔偿的范围 27-28
  (二)增加亲告罪自首的立法 28-29
  (三)完善追诉途径,保障诉权 29-30
  (四)增设亲告罪告诉时效 30-32
  (五)扩大亲告罪范围 32-35
  (六)引入刑事和解制度 35-40
  结语 40-42
  参考文献 42-44
  致谢 44

【摘要】 亲告罪,是刑法明文规定告诉才处理的犯罪,主要侵犯公民个人的轻微法益。它是依据追诉形式对犯罪所作的一个基本分类,具有重要的立法价值,体现刑法的自由、谦抑、效益。我国学者对于亲告罪的研究,相对于其他国家,表现出缺乏系统性的特征,局限于比较借鉴方面的探讨。对亲告罪进行系统性的探讨,对于完善我国刑法与刑事诉讼法,有着极其重要的作用。本文试图从我国亲告罪的立法内涵出发,结合实践,对我国亲告罪在实践中的困境及引发因素进行论述,提出完善我国亲告罪的途径,以期对理论和实践有所裨益。第一部分,阐述亲告罪的概念特征,产生渊源,并结合国内外现状,对比不同国家,不同法系中亲告罪的相关规定,从理法学角度分析我国亲告罪的立法内涵和司法困境形成的必然性。第二部分,结合实践,指出我国亲告罪在司法实务中存在的问题:亲告罪刑事损害赔偿规定不合理;亲告罪自首认定操作困难;亲告罪程序启动瑕疵;未规定诉讼时效。第三部分,剖析我国亲告罪实践困境形成的原因,主要包括:立法不完善;司法工作人员素质参差不齐;社会关注度不高,指出我国亲告罪立法有待完善。第四部分,针对我国亲告罪在实践中的困境,提出完善途径:扩大亲告罪损害赔偿范围;增加亲告罪自首的立法;完善亲告罪追诉途径,保障诉权;增设亲告罪告诉时效;扩大亲告罪立法范围;引入刑事和解制度。在弥补现行亲告罪制度存在的不足的同时,为亲告罪制度创设更加灵活的解决机制,实现亲告罪的立法价值。

【Abstract】 Crime of private prosecution is one of categories in criminal legislation that handle only with complaint,according to prosecution condition in criminal law of continental law system. It Injury minor legal interest of citizens, and has an important value of legislation on free, humility and benefit.Although criminal law circles of our country have made some studies on crimes of private prosecution for recent several decades, many scholars wrote articles on this discussion, these efforts are too scattered and mostly focused on comparison and reference of these crimes with few discussion on systematic research on crimes of private prosecution. It is important to complete our criminal procedure law, make systematic research on crimes of private prosecution. For this reason, based on existing research fruits and from its existent value, this article tries to provide a systematic expatiation on designing our system of crimes of private prosecution to make a contribution to theory and practice.This article is divided into four parts:The first part discusses its legislative content of crimes of private prosecution. The author analyze the feature of crimes of private prosecution,then compare the legislations and point out their vantage and shortcoming, combining the criminal law of the countries belonging to continental law system. Make the conclusion that it is inevitable face to dilemma in practice.The second part provides a detailed discussion on application dilemma of crimes of prosecution. It is including of unreasonable law with criminal compensation; the difficult of identified with surrender; defect of start program; lake of limitation with prosecution.The third part take apart of the reason that caused dilemma about private prosecution crimes. This part focuses on defect of law;uneven quality of judicial officers;lack of social attention to crimes of prosecution.The fourth part discusses the way to deal with the problem, combining judical practise. The recommendations includes:Expand the scope of criminal compensation; add legislation to surrender; improve the way of prosecution to protect the right of appeal; add legislation to limitation with prosecution; Expand the scope of legislation with crimes of prosecution; introduce criminal mediation. Perfect our legialation and at the same time make a more flexible solution system, to achieve the legislative value of Crime of private prosecution.

代写硕士论文【关键词】 亲告罪; 立法内涵; 实践困境; 完善途径;
【Key words】 Crime of private prosecution; legislative content; practical difficulties; the way of perfection;



