
发布时间:2019-09-23 17:35


  摘要 4-5
  绪论 9-12
  0.1研究意义 9-10
  0.1.1理论意义 9
  0.1.2现实意义 9-10
  0.2文献综述 10-12
  0.2.1国外研究状况 10
  0.2.2国内研究状况 10-12
  1政治稳定理论提出的背景及渊源 12-22
  1.1塞缪尔?P?亨廷顿其人 12-13
  1.2政治稳定理论提出的背景 13-15
  1.2.1自由主义政治发展观的衰落 13-14
  1.2.2政治学研究方法的变革 14
  1.2.3发展中国家的动荡不安 14-15
  1.2.4区域研究的兴起 15
  1.3政治稳定理论的思想渊源 15-22
  1.3.1对亚里士多德等学者思想的继承 15-16
  1.3.2以派伊等学者思想为基础的转化 16-22
  2政治稳定的概念界定及理论内容 22-28
  2.1政治稳定的概念界定 22-23
  2.2政治稳定理论的主要内容 23-28
  2.2.1政治的制度化 23-25
  2.2.2政治制度与公共利益 25-26
  2.2.3现代化与政治不稳定 26-28
  3政治稳定理论的总体评价 28-30
  3.1政治稳定理论的缺陷 28-29
  3.1.1“欧美中心论”思想 28
  3.1.2研究方法中的缺陷 28-29
  3.2政治稳定理论的贡献 29-30
  3.2.1推崇动态的政治稳定 29
  3.2.2赋予政治稳定全新的分析视角 29-30
  4政治稳定理论对中国政治发展的启示 30-35
  4.1推进政治制度化建设 30-31
  4.1.1强化制度化建构 30
  4.1.2重视政党的特殊作用 30-31
  4.2深化政治体制改革 31-35
  4.2.1发展中求稳定 31-32
  4.2.2改革中促发展 32-35
  结束语 35-36
  参考文献 36-38
  致谢 38-39
  攻读学位期间发表论文以及参加科研情况 39-40

【摘要】 在中国,随着社会转型的进一步深化,为适应社会发展而进行政治、经济和社会的改革的全面展开,政治发展与稳定不仅成为党和国家高层所全力追求的重要目标,其相关研究成果也愈来愈受到多个领域专家学者的广泛关注。当前,应该怎样转型、需要怎样改革才能确保政治的稳定与发展是待解决的难题。应坚持社会主义制度和原则不变,借鉴和吸收国外政治理论的研究成果,用于指导我国政治发展的实践。塞缪尔·亨廷顿是西方政治稳定理论的杰出代表,其思想理论为发展中国家实现政治稳定提供了理论依据。国内外对亨廷顿政治稳定理论研究的学者颇多,但是对亨廷顿政治稳定理论的内涵以及此理论给转型时期的中国在处理政治体制改革、政治稳定方面带来的启示进行系统分析的却尚无一人。本论文主要采用比较研究、历史研究、理论联系实际等研究方法,倡导通过正确的审视我国当前的形势,推进政治制度化建设,深化政治体制改革,寻求到真正适合转型时期中国的政治发展模式,这就是本研究所要达到的目的。因此,本文具有一定的理论意义和现实价值。本论文除绪论和结束语以外共分为四个部分。第一部分为亨廷顿政治稳定理论提出的背景及渊源。本章主要介绍亨廷顿的生平,介绍亨廷顿政治稳定理论的提出背景,考察亨廷顿政治稳定理论的思想来源,这为把握亨廷顿的政治稳定理论提供一个宏观的知识背景。第二部分为政治稳定理论的概念界定及理论内容。本章在分析亨廷顿政治稳定的概念和目标的基础上,对政治稳定理论进行系统的分析、详尽的介绍。第三部分为政治稳定理论的总体评价。本章从政治稳定理论的分析角度、研究方法、理论内容介绍政治稳定理论的评价,考察了亨廷顿政治稳定研究的贡献,并指出其研究的不足之处。第四部分为政治稳定理论对中国政治发展的启示。本章主要以亨廷顿政治稳定理论为依据,联系当前的国情特点,分析了亨廷顿的政治稳定理论对中国政治改革发展的启示和借鉴意义。最后通过对亨廷顿政治稳定理论的深入分析,对其理论的精华部分进行选择性的吸收,加以提炼创新,从实际出发,找出适合中国政治发展的路径。

【Abstract】 In China, with the further deepening of social transformation and social development to adapt to political, economic and social reforms in full swing, political development and stability is not only a high-level party and state to pursue an important objective of the effort, but also the results of its research become more and more fields of experts attention. At present, how to transition and how to ensure political stability of reform and development are problems. Maintain the socialist system and principles, learn and absorb foreign political theory research, to guide the practice of our political development.Samuel Huntington is the study of Western political stability theory outstanding representative. The idea of his theory of political stability in developing countries provides a theoretical basis. Many scholars at home and abroad research Huntington’s theory of political stability. But no one has studied the meaning of political stability theory and the theory of China’s political reform, political stability in China. The thesis research methods are comparative studies,historical research,theory with practice methods, and so on. Paper advocates the right to examine our current situation, to promote political institutionalization, political reform, for real transition period for China’s political development. Therefore, this paper has a certain theoretical and practical significance.This paper divides into four parts besides the preface and the conclusion.The first part is a theory of political stability Huntington background and origin. This chapter describes the life of Huntington, the theoretical background, ideological source of Huntington’s theory. This provides Huntington’s theory of political stability a macro background.The second part is the theory of political stability Definition and content. This chapter describes the concept of political stability in Huntington, and analyzes the theory of political stability.The third part is the overall assessment of political stability theory. This chapter from the perspective of political stability analysis theory, research methods, theoretical content, introduces the theory of political stability evaluation. This chapter examines the contribution of political stability in Huntington, and pointed out the inadequacy of their research.The fourth part is the theory of political stability Implications of China’s political development. This chapter mainly based on Huntington’s theory of political stability, contacted the current situation, analyze the Huntington’s theory of political stability of China’s political reform development inspiration and reference.

硕士论文代写【关键词】 亨廷顿; 政治稳定; 政治民主; 政治制度化; 政治现代化;
【Key words】 Huntington; Political stability; Political democratization; Political institutionalization; Political modernization;



